Friday, April 21, 2017



In this module applied in the "call center" area as students we had the opportunity to meet Carlos García as our professor, it was very impressive to know the way he teach and I really liked the methodology that he used in the classes with the purpose that we were focused in the process of learning, participation was one of the main evaluation criteria in order to know if we were understanding what he was explaining, honestly my participation in the classes was average due to I'm a little shy to participate, I recognize that is a weakness I have, but I consider that I can improve it, but it doesn't mean that I did not understand each topic explained, however there was a meaningful learning through the knowledge that he has transmitted to us in each class, because at the beginning I didn't have any knowledge related to this area, everything was new to me, but I acquired a lot of vocabulary that is necessary in order to increase my skills.

I consider that I've worked hard because I have read all the information posted on the blog, as well as I have expressed my point of view in the comments about what I learned and understood through the reading of these topics that are interesting, necessary and useful to know at the time to put it into practice if in the future I want to work in the call center industry.

 I have had an excellent attitude in class and I attended all because I think it is very important to be present and I take into account that one day that I not attend to classes I'm going to lose the opportunity to learn something new because acquiring knowledge is a great help to increase my aptitudes and thus to be able to develop myself in the professional field. I have also shown interest paying attention in classes in order to have a better understanding of each topic. I also consider that the whatsApp group was a great help for feedback and also to clarify doubts and share important information.

As a conclusion having attended this course it has been a wonderful experience because I have learned a lot, furthermore I have fulfilled with all the activities that are necessary for a greater learning. Reflecting my attitude in this module I evaluate myself based on 8 because I consider that I have been responsible with my obligations as a student willing to learn the new that is to come.

           “English applied to call centers”

        Name: Martha Yesenia Berrios Santos

1 comment:

HANDLING AN ANGRY CALLER IN THE CALL CENTER This information is very important because provides techniques that help to know ho...